

Interview with Dr. Freda Dreher, Acus Clinical Preceptor

By | Acupuncture, Medicine, Military, Pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Veterans, Wounded warriors | No Comments
"This acupuncture treatment neither removed nor added anything to your body. Thus the healing is within you." Acus Preceptor Dr. Freda Dreher explains how acupuncture influences the neurological and physiological processes that perpetuate PTS among military service members in this interview with Acus Acting Executive Director Brad Erickson. Dr. Freda...
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Interview with Dr. Joe Helms, President, Acus Foundation

By | Acupuncture, Acus Foundation, Health Heroes, Helms Medical Institute, Medical Acupuncture, Medicine, Military, Opioid Epidemic, Opioid Reduction, Opioids, Oprah, Veterans, Wounded warriors | 3 Comments
Acus Founder Dr. Joseph Helms is regarded as the father of medical acupuncture in the United States.  He has taught physicians since 1978 through the continuing medical education program “Medical Acupuncture for Physicians,” sponsored initially by the UCLA School of Medicine, then Stanford School of Medicine.  Since 2000 he has...
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