“Medical Acupuncture Saved My Life”

U.S. Air Force veteran, Matt, had been saving his painkillers. Every day, he took one pill and set aside another… until he had a stockpile of opioids that would be enough to end his life.
Matt felt numb and hopeless. He had been prescribed dozens of medications over the years, and he suspected the drugs were only making his pain and stress worse.
His new Acus-trained primary care doctor, Col. (ret) Paul Crawford, MD, suspected the same thing.
Crawford took one look at Matt’s medications and thought, “medical acupuncture would be a better treatment option.”
Matt agreed.
After just a few acupuncture treatments, Matt tapered off all his painkillers. He felt better. He slept better. His relationships at home and at work got better. Everything about his life improved.
Two years later, Matt says without hesitation: “Medical acupuncture saved my life.”
Will you help save the lives of veterans like Matt?
Give to Acus Foundation today.